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Jul 23, 2018· السكاكين ( أنواعها ، أسعارها ، جودتها، سنها ) وكل ما تريد معرفته عنها { فهد الشعيبي ، كلن بتوقيته } - Duration: 45:06. ...
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The Sharifate of Mecca (Arabic: شرافة مكة Sharāfa Makka) or Emirate of Mecca was a state, non-sovereign for much of its existence, ruled by the Sharifs of Mecca.A sharif is a descendant of Hasan ibn Ali, Muhammad's grandson. In Western sources, the prince of Mecca was known as Grand Sherif, but Arabs have always used the appellation "Emir".
Mar 27, 2015· الشيك اوف الياف طبيعيه وهو مشروب منظف للقولون يقوم بغسل جميع السموم من الجسم وطردها خارجا ... ويعتبر ...
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Iraqi troops have captured several key Peshmerga-controlled positions near Kirkuk, one of the key cities in Iraqi Kurdistan and continue to advance, the Iraqi military has said.
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